by Chris Horan | Sep 26, 2018 | Featured, General, Home Post, Insight, Schools
Too often, when we devise communications strategies, we’re focused solely on getting news and information out. In our eagerness to keep families and the community informed, we can easily do too much talking and not enough listening. A good communications plan...
by Chris Horan | Aug 20, 2018 | Featured, General, Home Post, Insight, Public Relations, Schools, Social Media
Back-to-school time is about so much more than the end of summer and retail sales on school supplies and kids’ clothing. The start of a new school year presents a unique opportunity to deliver to your community optimistic messages about what’s in store for a...
by Chris Horan | Oct 17, 2017 | Featured, General, Home Post, Insight, Public Relations, Schools
WriteBoston enlisted Horan Communications to research and write a profile about its innovative partnership with the Chelsea (MA) Public Schools. The profile (PDF) highlights the design and impact of an initiative to improve writing and literacy instruction in the...
by Chris Horan | Oct 3, 2016 | Featured, General, Home Post, Insight, Public Relations, Schools, Social Media
We’re proud to be working with five of the largest educational professional associations in Massachusetts to launch a statewide campaign promoting social-emotional learning in our schools. Horan Communications served as project manager and communications...
by Chris Horan | Sep 1, 2016 | Featured, General, Home Post, Insight, Public Relations, Schools, Social Media
Educators often express frustration that the media just “don’t get” what they do. They argue that news stories about education would be more fair and balanced if reporters had greater insight into the difficult work that teachers, principals, and superintendents do...